Mission and Objectives


For students aspiring to study medical care, please value the things that are not shown in medical statistics.

Use advanced medical knowledge and techniques to provide appropriate medical treatment. But the work of doctors and nursing professionals does not stop there. In addition to treating the illnesses, what is needed are doctors and nursing professionals who can look at a patient as a human being and be able to sympathize with their feelings of suffering. This is the essence of medicine which will never appear in the statistics. Dokkyo Medical University strives to develop doctors and nursing professionals who are trusted not only by patients and their families, but also by the medical staff.


Educational philosophy, educational objectives, goal achievement in medical school.

Educational Philosophy
Based on the spirit of teaching, it is our educational philosophy and we have set the goal of our education to foster physicians who are trusted not only by the patients, their families, and medical professionals, but also widely trusted by the people in our general society.
Educational Objectives
  • The objective of education is to draw out and encourage the potential that the student has, and to make the student recognize that it is up to them to learn medicine and cultivate an independent learning ability.
  • Being a doctor and a member of society, they must aim to form a healthy and balanced personality.
  • Respect the rights of patients and the dignity of life and cultivate a personality as a doctor who can practice compassionate medicine in accordance with medical ethics.
  • To develop the ability to understand the physical, mental and social aspects of patients, and develop the ability to identify problems and resolve them.
  • To develop the ability and responsibility for putting together unique plans for improving health, hygiene and welfare in local communities.
  • To develop the ability to gather and assess international medical information.
Goal Achievement for Our Graduates

By graduation, the students of our university must have the necessary abilities in each of the following:

Things to understand as basic knowledge

  • Normal development and structure of the human mind and body, its functions and abnormalities.
  • Knowledge of the pathogenesis, pathology, and diagnosis of as well as the treatments for major diseases.
  • Knowledge of the social aspects medical care, as well as disease prevention, rehabilitation, and the patient's QOL (Quality of Life).
  • From an international viewpoint, a wide range of information on the study of medicine and medical information.

Basic attitudes that must be possessed

  • Ability to enlighten oneself throughout life based on an active leaning attitude.
  • Work on the study of medicine, medical care, and healthcare encompassing humanism.
  • Develop a habit of building a good physician-patient relationship to solve patients’ problems.
  • Be aware of the social responsibilities as a doctor while recognizing the limits of one’s abilities, and having the attitude to humbly accept an expert’s advice.
  • Attach importance to cooperation as a member of the medical team, and at the same time be prepared mentally to take a leadership attitude.

Fundamental skills that should be acquired

  • Ability to acquire basic treatment skills and to be able to differentiate between normal and abnormal.
  • Ability to comprehensively identify the problems and assess the solutions.
  • Ability to acquire information through the medical interview and the examination, then grasp an accurate diagnosis and disease condition, and fully explain it to the patient and family.
  • Ability to diagnose a critical condition and implement emergency treatment.
  • Basic Skills necessary for medical research.