Department of Molecular and Cell Biology

Head of the Office: Hiromichi Shirataki MD, PhD

Message from the Head of the Department

     Welcome to Shirataki lab at Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University. We are very much interested in molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying intracellular vesicle transport involving in nutrient uptake, secretion of macromolecule, cell division, cell motility, and cell homeostasis.


School of Medicine:

2nd year Molecular Cell Biology

Academic Society Activities

The Japanese Biochemical Society      
The Japanese Society of Hepatology
Japanese Cancer Association


Professor Hiromichi Shirataki, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Satoru Higashi, MSc

Characteristics of the section

     We have focused on the taxilin family which was identified and named by our group, and have extensively investigated its cellular function in intracellular vesicle transport by using the solid foundation of biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics.


Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
Dokkyo Medical University
Kitakobayashi 880, Mibu, Shimotsuga, Tochigi, 321-0293 Japan